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The EDA Cloud Connect Plugins are listening to or directly interacting with the cloud platforms they manage. Sometimes this connection can be broken temporarily or be out of sync. To automatically fix these out of sync events Audit can be ran on the Plugin.

An Audit can be launched through the UI, by navigating to System Administration->Connect->Audit. Create Audit

As an alternative, you can also create an Audit resource in the Kubernetes cluster of EDA with the following content:

kind: ConnectAudit
  name: test-audit
  namespace: eda
  connectPluginName: <name of the plugin>
  scope: PLUGIN
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: ConnectAudit
  name: test-audit
  namespace: eda
  connectPluginName: <name of the plugin>
  scope: PLUGIN
Known Bugs

The VMWare plugin currently creates a new Audit object whenever an Audit is triggered through the UI or kubernetes API. The result of the Audit therefore can only be found in this new Audit object. The user-created Audit object can be safely ignored.

Audit Result#

An Audit runs out of band inside the Plugin (ie VMWare or OpenShift Plugin). This process can be followed using the .status.state field, which will progress from Scheduled to InProgress to Finished. Once the Audit is finished, the spec.finished field will be true.

An example output is given below:

  endTime: "2024-12-16T13:37:56Z"
  enqueueTime: "2024-12-16T13:37:56Z"
  outcome: Success
  - auditType: ConnectPluginAudit
    - connectResourceKind: BridgeDomain
      connectResourceName: 4030b313-60c5-4256-8135-57833913ce67
      outcome: Success
      pluginResourceKind: vlan on Distributed Virtual Portgroup
      type: Missing
    - connectResourceKind: Vlan
      connectResourceName: 33b01228-b522-434c-b099-26ff69ec57c4
      outcome: Success
      pluginResourceKind: vlan on Distributed Virtual Portgroup
      type: Dangling
    - connectResourceKind: Vlan
      connectResourceName: 0c7f00d6-5d0a-469f-85a7-6733e457df8c
      outcome: Success
      pluginResourceKind: vlan on Distributed Virtual Portgroup
      type: Missing
    outcome: Success
    state: Finished
  state: Finished
  totalNumberOfDiscrepancies: 3
  totalNumberOfSuccessfulDiscrepancies: 3

An Audit Status consists of one or more results, each one referencing a different part of the Audit. In case of PLUGIN Audit the only stage is the Plugin auditing against EDA, so typically there will be only one Result. The Result has an AuditType to indicate the stage of the Audit, as well as an outcome. The outcome is Success if the Audit was able to correct any found discrepancies.

If there are any discrepancies found, they are listed in the foundDiscrepancies list, detailing what resources where involved and what the taken action is. Dangling resources are resources left in EDA that are not available in the Plugin environment, while missing resources are the opposite. Finally Misconfigured resources are available in both environments, but have one or more misconfigured fields.

Finally, a count is provided of the totalNumberOfDiscrepancies as well as successfully and failed fixes.