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VMware vSphere Plugin#


The VMware vSphere Plugin leverages the VMware vSphere distributed vSwitch architecture to support managing the fabric directly from VMware vCenter and make the fabric respond to the networking needs of the environment.

It provides the following advantages and capabilities:

  • Direct integration into the network management workflow of VMware vCenter.
  • The use of the common distributed vSwitches and Port Groups for both regular Virtual Machine NICs as well as SR-IOV use cases.
  • VMware plugin supports the following VLAN types for Port Groups.
    • None: Vlan 0
    • VLAN: (1-4094)
  • Automatic provisioning of the fabric based on where the Virtual Machines need the connectivity.
  • Support advanced workflows through the Fabric Service System Managed solution, including for VNF use cases with features like QoS, ACLs, and BGP PE-CE.
  • Interconnectivity between different cloud environments, allowing for flexible network configurations.

Supported Versions#

  • VMware vSphere 7
  • VMware vSphere 8


Before installing or deploying the VMware vSphere Plugin components, make sure that the Cloud Connect Core application is properly installed in the cluster.


The VMware vSphere Plugin consists of two components:

VMware vSphere Plugin App
This app runs in EDA and manages the lifecycle of the VMware vSphere Plugins. It does so in the standard app model where a custom resource is used to manage the VMware vSphere Plugins.
VMware vSphere Plugin

The Plugin itself which is responsible for connecting and monitoring the VMware vCenter environment for changes. The Plugin will listen to the events of the following objects:

  • Distributed vSwitch (dvS)
  • Distributed Port Groups (dvPG)
  • Host to dvS associations
  • Custom Attributes

Supported Features#

The following are some of the supported VMware vSphere features:

  • CMS-managed integration mode
  • EDA-managed integration mode
  • Optimally configure subinterfaces to minimize configuration and security footprint of network services
  • LAG/LACP interfaces
  • SRIOV interfaces
  • Audits


To deploy the VMware vSphere plugin, complete the following tasks:

  • Deploy the plugin app.
  • Deploy the plugin.

Connect VMware vSphere Plugin App Deployment#

The VMware vSphere Plugin App is an Application in the EDA App eco-system. It can be easily installed using the App Store UI.

Installation using Kubernetes API#

If you prefer installing the Connect Core using the Kubernetes API, you can do so by creating the following Workflow resource:

kind: Workflow
  name: vmware-plugin
  namespace: eda-system
    app: vmware-plugin
    catalog: eda-catalog-builtin-apps
    operation: install
    vendor: nokia
      type: semver
      value: v2.0.0
  type: app-installer
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: Workflow
  name: vmware-plugin
  namespace: eda-system
    app: vmware-plugin
    catalog: eda-catalog-builtin-apps
    operation: install
    vendor: nokia
      type: semver
      value: v2.0.0
  type: app-installer

Connect VMware vSphere Plugin Deployment#

A prerequisite for creating a vmwarePluginInstance resource is a `Secret with username and password fields that contain the account information for an account that can connect to the VMware vCenter environment and has read-only access to the cluster so that it can monitor the necessary resources.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: my-vmware-creds
  namespace: eda-system
  username: YWRtaW4K # base64 encoded
  password: YWRtaW4K # base64 encoded
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: my-vmware-creds
  namespace: eda-system
  username: YWRtaW4K # base64 encoded
  password: YWRtaW4K # base64 encoded

As the VMware vSphere Plugins are managed through the operator, you can use the EDA UI to create a new VmwarePluginInstance resource under the System Administration > Connect > VMware Plugins menu item.

As an alternative, you can also create the same VmwarePluginInstance using the following custom resource example. Make sure to replace the specified values with their relevant content.

kind: VmwarePluginInstance
  name: my-vmware-plugin-instance # A unique name for the plugin resource (can be the same as the, or different)
  namespace: eda-namespace # The namespace in the EDA deployment holding the fabric associated with this plugin
  externalId: example-external-id # A unique Identifier for the plugin (can be same as the name)
  heartbeatInterval: 30
  name: example-vSphere # A unique name for the plugin
  vcsaHost: example-host # The IP address of the vCenter Server
  vcsaTlsVerify: true # To verify TLS of the VCSA
  vcsaCertificate: "" # If the VCSA certificate is self signed, add it here to be able to verify from the plugin
  authSecretRef: my-vmware-creds # Credentials are hosted in a separate Secret
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: VmwarePluginInstance
  name: my-vmware-plugin-instance # A unique name for the plugin resource (can be the same as the, or different)
  namespace: eda-namespace # The namespace in the EDA deployment holding the fabric associated with this plugin
  externalId: example-external-id # A unique Identifier for the plugin (can be same as the name)
  heartbeatInterval: 30
  name: example-vSphere # A unique name for the plugin
  vcsaHost: example-host # The IP address of the vCenter Server
  vcsaTlsVerify: true # To verify TLS of the VCSA
  vcsaCertificate: "" # If the VCSA certificate is self signed, add it here to be able to verify from the plugin
  authSecretRef: my-vmware-creds # Credentials are hosted in a separate Secret

The plugin name and external ID must comply with the regex check of '([A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9_.]*)?[A-Za-z0-9]' and can only contain alpha-numerical characters and ., _ and -. It must start with an alpha-numerical character.


This section describes VMware vSphere plugin operations including startup, event monitoring, and the plugin's operational modes.


When the plugin is started, the following actions are taken by the plugin:

  • The plugin registers itself with Connect, based on the provided externalID. If a matching ConnectPlugin pre-exists, it is reused.
  • The plugin performs an audit: Any Connect-related state that was programmed in vCenter while the plugin was not running is synchronized with Connect.

Event Monitoring#

A plugin will connect to a VMware vCenter environment and subscribe to VMware events. The plugin will configure Connect and EDA based on the events it receives:

Event Trigger Custom Resource Purpose
VLAN-tagged distributed PortGroup events BridgeDomain In VMware Managed mode, each dvPG will result in its own unique BridgeDomain
VLAN-tagged distributed PortGroup events VLAN Each dvPG with a specific VLAN tag will have an EDA VLAN resource so it can be attached to the BridgeDomain
Host NIC distributed Switch Uplink events ConnectInterface Each Host NIC that gets added as an Uplink to a dvS, will trigger the creation of a ConnectInterface which is mapped by Connect Core to a EDA Interface

Naming limitations

The uplink names must comply with the regex check of ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9._-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]$. It can only contain alpha-numerical characters and (space), ., _, and -. It must also have a length of 64 characters or less.

Operational Modes#

The plugin supports the following Operational Modes, these modes can be used simultaneously.

VMware Managed Mode
Also referred to as Connect Managed. When using this mode, the plugin will create a unique BridgeDomain for each VLAN tagged dvPG in the VMware vCenter environment.
EDA Managed Mode
In EDA Managed Mode, a dvPG is given a special custom attribute that refers to an existing EDA BridgeDomain. When the plugin detects this custom attribute, and it refers to an existing BridgeDomain in EDA, it will not create a new BridgeDomain but instead will associate the dvPG with the existing one. This allows for more advanced configuration of the application networks.

Using EDA Managed Mode#

To use the EDA Managed Mode follow these steps:

  1. Create a BridgeDomain in EDA with the desired settings
  2. When creating a distributed PortGroup in vCenter, configure a Custom Attribute called ConnectBridgeDomain and set its value to the key of the EDA BridgeDomain.

Both the key of the Custom Attribute and the value are case sensitive

You can configure multiple dvPGs with the same BridgeDomain.

It is also supported to switch between EDA Managed and VMware Managed at any time. You can switch back to VMware Managed by setting the ConnectBridgeDomain Custom Attribute to none, or by deleting the Custom Attribute entirely.


The plugin is not running#

If an incorrect vCenter hostname or IP is configured in the VmwarePluginInstance resource, the plugin will try to connect for 3 minutes and crash/restart if it fails to connect. In case the credentials are incorrect, the plugin will crash/restart immediately.

  • Check the raised plugin alarms.
  • Check the connectivity from the EDA cluster to vCenter.
  • Verify the credentials for vCenter.
  • Ensure the heartbeat interval is a positive integer.
  • Check the logs of the plugin pod.

The plugin is not creating any resources in EDA#

  • Check the raised plugin alarms.
  • Check the connectivity from the EDA cluster to vCenter.
  • Check the logs of the plugin pod.
  • Check the Plugin staleness state field and verify heartbeats are being updated.

The plugin is not configuring the correct state#

  • Check the raised plugin alarms.
  • Verify the Uplinks for the dvPG in vCenter are configured as active or standby. If there are no active or standby Uplinks configured, the plugin will not associate any ConnectInterface with the VLAN.
  • Uplink names can only contain alpha-numerical characters and ., _, - and must have a length of 64 characters or less.
  • VLAN Ranges are not supported on dvPGs.
  • Inspect the EDA resources, like VLAN, BridgeDomain and ConnectInterface.
  • Check the logs of the plugin pod.